Structured Laminates

Barn Grey Kitchen
Introduced here in California in 2012, these Italian Structured Laminates are offered in 17 unique and beautiful colors. While these may be new to our region, the European Market has been enjoying these products for years. We have had a huge success with these products with clients who desire to create a sophisticated modern look in their design.
These panels are produced with a patterned Plate in the pressing process – the pattern, which feels a lot like a wire brushed natural wood grain, is pressed into the substrate below the surface under thousands of pounds of pressure, creating a very natural look and feel.
Most of the colors are available with a pattern called Legno, which means Wood in Italian, and it is a very linear pattern that matches the straight grain patterns of most of these colors.
The next imprint pattern is called Yosemite, named after our own National Park. These colors have a more traditional open grain that resembles a Plain Sliced veneer, and the imprinting is computer matched to the grain patterns in the panel. It is extremely hard to tell these are not real wood veneers. This pattern is available on the Pebble Beach, Cypress Ridge and Chestnut colors.
At Generations we are always looking for exciting new products, and when we first found these we jumped in feet first. Unlike most American Manufacturers who may offer one or two colors, we offer the entire collection that is available to us and will continue to add colors as they become available.
Please view the domestic colors and patterns in the next gallery of products, More Textured Laminates